SonicEdge Develops Miniature Mics For Use In Wireless Earbuds

The company’s products use the same silicon technology found in miniature devices using the same reliable silicon technology powering billions of smart devices worldwide. Whether it’s smartphones or cars, these tiny components can be used to create high-quality audio products on a large scale.

2024 kan blive året for digitale siliciumhøjttalere

Små mems-højttalere, fremstillet med konventionel halvlederteknologi, er på nippet til et gennembrud. På DTU arbejder dansk-israelske Sonic Edge med én af slagsen baseret på ultralyd. Lige så smarte og praktiske små earbuds er på farten, lige så håbløst kan de lyde, når bassen for alvor skrues op. Og grundlæggende skaber de da også lyden efter […]

Making Speakers Smaller and Better With MEMS Technology

Sonic Edge is a company that specializes in MEMS miniature speaker technology. MEMS (for micro-electromechanical systems) speakers employ drivers that are fabricated on silicon chips, which can be made to be very small, and can offer advantages in audio quality, and manufacturing.

Startup uses MEMS ultrasound to improve audio speaker

SonicEdge Ltd. (Binyamina, Israel), founded in November 2018, is developing an ultrasound-based MEMS audio speaker. This is claimed to provide enhanced audio in small form factors at both low and high frequencies and extended operation to 20KHz and beyond. Applications for the ultrasound system is therefore the ‘usual suspects’ of hearables – ear buds, augmented […]

As Monty Python once said, “And Now for Something Completely Different.”

Percolating in stealth mode for a decade is the work of Moti Margalit, CEO, and Ari Mizrachi (COO) of SonicEdge, today leading a growing team, including some in their Danish subsidiary. The core of the design is one or more apertures driven by the ultrasonic carrier signal and one or more movable and over-sized obstruction […]

The Future Sounds Incredible (When Employing Ultrasonic Speaker Technology)

I’ve said it many times before, and I’ll doubtless say it many times again—I’m a simple man who likes a simple story—something I can wrap my poor old noggin around without tears of confusion rolling down my cheeks and sans my brains leaking out of my ears. Happily, the tale I’m poised to impart is […]